LCHFNutritionWeight Lossweight loss medicationWomen's Health Weight loss medications are only part of the solution At Sante Medical, we've observed the growing interest in GLP-1 receptor agonists as potential tools…Melanie WaltersAugust 28, 2024
ExerciseNutritionWeight Loss Why You Should Pay Attention to Weight Maintenance (even if you’re not at your weight goal) You might be wondering: Why would I read an article that talks about weight maintenance…Jackie MontefioreAugust 2, 2022
Weight LossWomen's Health 5 steps to Breeze Your Way Through Menopause Why talk about menopause in this day and age? Many of us fear the dreaded…Stephanie SheuNovember 26, 2021
FastingLCHFNutritionResourcesWeight Loss The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy Weight and Metabolism Have you been struggling with your weight for years and are at your wit's end?…Jackie MontefioreNovember 12, 2021